Monday Motivation

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Monday Motivation

Monday morning can be a drag for some people whereas others see it as a fresh start, I feel the latter. Here are 5 tips that help me see Monday as a positive day:


Plan your week- Getting organised for the week ahead is a great way to organise yourself and if you have things planned already then a quick look at them will refresh your memory. 

Look forward to something- Arrange for something to do during the week. Go on a date night, movie night, a night out with your friends or if you have a day off  then plan a day out. This doesn’t have to be a big thing, rather something to get you through the day. 

Experiment- Monday is the best day to try something new, for example different make-up looks or hair styles. You should try and get out of your comfort zone and you may be pleasantly surprised! 

Tackle emails & calls- Starting this on Monday morning leaves the whole day to wait for replies and that organises a lot for the rest of the day. 

Be positive- Lastly but definitely not least, feeling positive is how you should start the week. Approach the week with the mantra “Monday. A Fresh Start. Embrace it.” 

If you have any tips of getting through Monday then let me know! You can find me on Facebook and Twitter. Enjoy your Monday!



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